10. Solution Code on GitHub
Solution Code on Github
For the rest of the course, you’re going to be making code changes to the Quake Report app that we provided you in the last quiz.
At any point, if you get stuck, we encourage you to keep trying different approaches to debug the problem, such as adding log messages or using the https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/index.html
?utm_source=udacity&utm_medium=course&utm_campaign=android_basics" target="_blank">Android Studio debugger. Practicing your debugging skills is an essential skill that professional developers have acquired through lots of trial and error.
If you can’t get your app to work, as an absolute last resort, you can refer to our version of the code. The code's home base is on GitHub at github.com/udacity/ud843-QuakeReport.
Make sure you navigate to the right branch of code from the dropdown menu.
There is one branch for the state of the code at the end of each lesson, lesson-one, lesson-two, lesson-three, and lesson-four.
If you click on the commits link, you can see a history log of all the individual commits (or snapshots that were captured) at certain points in time, when building up the app.
To download the code, find the gray "Download ZIP" button at the right side of the toolbar. That'll download a file called ud843-QuakeReport.zip onto your computer. Unzip that file into a “ud843-QuakeReport” folder.
Then import the project into Android Studio. Open up Android Studio, and close any open projects until you get to the splash screen. On the Quick Start pane, select Import project. Once you can see “ud843-QuakeReport” folder, select it, and hit "OK".